Your Five-Step Guide to Preventing Tooth Decay While Wearing Braces

Your Five-Step Guide to Preventing Tooth Decay While Wearing Braces

Wearing braces is a significant investment in achieving a straight, beautiful smile, preventing tooth decay, and keeping oral health in top condition during orthodontic treatment. It’s important to take good care of your teeth and braces. You can prevent cavities in your teeth and achieve the greatest results for your smile by paying additional attention and taking a few easy measures.

Introduced by Pacific Northwest Orthodontics, we will provide thorough five-step instructions in this article on preventing tooth decay while wearing braces. When your braces are finally removed by Dr. Mark Sundberg, you want a beautiful, white smile, not decayed or stained teeth. Here, we’ve listed the five best ways to ensure you have the smile you’ve always dreamed of once your braces are gone.

What Are Braces?

Braces are orthodontic devices used to realign the jaw and realign mismatched teeth. They are made up of brackets, wires, and — sometimes — other parts like rubber bands or springs. In order to progressively shift the teeth into the correct locations, the wires are threaded through the brackets that have been bonded to the teeth. Numerous dental issues, such as crowding, gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites, and crossbites, can be successfully treated by wearing braces.

Depending on how complicated the situation is, the length of the treatment may range from a few months to a few years. While wearing braces are very efficient at straightening teeth and realigning the bite, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to avoid tooth decay and preserve general oral health while receiving treatment.

Wearing Braces

Use a Special Toothbrush

A regular toothbrush just doesn’t cut it when you are wearing braces. You also need to use an interdental toothbrush so that you can effectively clean behind the braces. This type of brush has bristles that are shaped like a Christmas tree that can remove food residue in the braces and on the teeth.

Brushing Technique

The foundation of healthy oral hygiene, particularly when wearing braces, is proper tooth brushing. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. To start, rinse your mouth with water to remove any food that may have become lodged in your braces. Your teeth should be thoroughly cleaned, including the chewing, back, and front surfaces. Don’t forget to brush your mouth, including the brackets, wires, and other orthodontic appliances. For the purpose of removing plaque and food particles, brushing is necessary both before and after every meal.

Flossing and Interdental Cleaning

Flossing is crucial for removing plaque and debris from between your teeth and around the brackets. To thread dental floss between your teeth and beneath orthodontic wires, use a floss threader or orthodontic floss with a stiff end. Cleaning in between braces can also be accomplished with interdental brushes.

Eat and drink less sugary things.

When it comes to preventing tooth decay, prevention is crucial. Reducing the amount of sugary foods and beverages you consume is one of the finest things you can do for your teeth. Sugar encourages the development of oral bacteria, which produces plaque and acid that can erode tooth enamel and result in cavities. Choose fruit and vegetable snacks over unhealthy ones, and water or unsweetened drinks over sugary ones. You can greatly lower your risk of tooth decay while wearing braces by deliberately limiting your intake of sweet foods and beverages.

Wearing Braces

Get Regular Checkups

When receiving orthodontic treatment, routine dental exams are essential. Inform your dentist about your braces and schedule regular appointments. Your dentist will keep an eye on your dental health, perform expert cleanings, and swiftly handle any issues. These examinations enable your dentist to identify early indications of tooth decay and offer advice on how to maintain excellent oral hygiene while wearing braces.

The team at Pacific Northwest Orthodontics is here to assist you if you have any concerns or require additional information about preventing tooth decay while wearing braces. Throughout your orthodontic journey, our skilled orthodontists and team are committed to your great care and support. To make an appointment or to find out more about our services, get in contact us now. As a team, we can make sure that during your orthodontic treatment, your smile remains attractive and healthy.